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There are hardly any items for sale beyond page 29 on the gallery here.
I have left so many sold items on show (and in the sold archive) as many collectors have said they find such photos and information useful to have.
5925.**SOLD** A very interesting Egyptian motto scarab

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A very interesting Egyptian motto scarab with a rather
contentious reading.
Late New Kingdom, 19th -20th dynasties.
It's very difficult to translate sentences or mottos
which are generally shorthand or with cryptic meanings.
This one for instance, which is known in several
variants, is read by Petrie: "A son by Pakht, lady of increase, Ptah
giving (it) strength"
This is puzzling interpretation.
Drioton translates: "c'est Ptah qui ouvre toute
bonne action"
Keel 4 transliterates: mdw <.t> nb <.t> nfr
<.t> dd PtH Hr <.s> m wsr and translates: "Jedes gute Werk, Ptah belohnt es
reichlich", along the lines of Drioton's
Rowe transliterates: nfr PtH r Hr nb m dd(w)wsr and
translates: "(how) good is Ptah more than every countenance in giving
All that is a measure of how difficult it is to agree
unequivocal interpretations though the basic Drioton reading is broadly
Price: sold GBP
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NB: I ceased selling on eBay a very long time ago!
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