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There are hardly any items for sale beyond page 29 on the gallery here.
I have left so many sold items on show (and in the sold archive) as many collectors have said they find such photos and information useful to have.
5008. Faience inlay fragment : side of throne. Ex Winkler collection.

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A reasonably sized fragment part from a quite large inlaid faience decoration , this fragment being the side of a throne. 55mm x 48mm Egyptian, Late Period/Ptolemaic. Interesting provenance Ex Winkler collection. Martin Eduard Winkler 1893- 1982 Studied one semester History, Literature, History of Art and Archaeology (Strasburg) Studied Culture and History (Leipzig)mWounded during war (fall 1915) in battle near Narew (east of Warsaw) and lost his right arm and three fingers of his left hand. Wanted to become an Archaeologist, which was impossible due to his injuries, but studied Classical Archaeology, Egyptology and Early European History for some time. After 1920, beginning of his habilitation on Russian History of the 19th century. Beginning of his interest for Early Russian Art and Cultural History. 1924 first travel to Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg). Met important historians and icon-specialists during his eight subsequent visits to Russia. 1929: Professor for Eastern European History and Director of the Historical Department of the Russian Institute in Konigsberg. 1934 lost his position due to the Nazi regime; he was not allowed to pursue his scientific work. Because of his contacts with Russian colleagues, he was suspected of being a communist. He publicly expressed his doubts about the Nazi regime, with consequent problems with the Gestapo. and in 1939 he was forced to retire at 46 years of age.He was forbidden to visit public libraries, and due to his war injuries manual work was impossible.He used his private library in Berlin to finish his four volumes on Russian Cultural History which were published in 1942. During all these years he started a private collection of Russian icons, which he was forced to sell in 1955 due to financial problems. He wanted the pieces of his collection to remain together, and sold everything to the city of Recklinghausen, which established a museum around this collection, which today is still one of the largest and most important in Germany Information extracted from the publication of Dr. Eva Haustein-Bartsch: . Die Ikonensammler Dr. Heinrich Wendt und Prof. Dr. Martin Winkler und die Gründung des Ikonen-Museums Recklinghausen. Bönen 2007. |
Price: 85 GBP
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