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Items in category HOLY LANDS:
1 - 16 of 43
6099. Phoenician trefoil oinochoe in Red Slip ware
Phoenician trefoil oinochoe in Red Slip ware or what is often called Phoenician Red Slip ware. ...
1950 GBP
6116. Early Bronze Age Line Painted Ware amphoriskos
Early Bronze Age Line Painted Ware amphoriskosWith funnel neck and two perforated lug handles.V...
225 GBP
6096. An Early Bronze Age clay figurine: over 5000 years old!
This somewhat rudimentary unfired clay female figurine is of a type as one can see at the British Mu...
625 GBP
4638. A pair of fine Middle Bronze Age juglets.
A pair of rather elegant Late Middle Bronze Age buff ware juglets..Both intact.Smaller: £295 SOLDLa...
From 295 GBP
6093b. Lovely Spindle flask : a really elegant shape I think!
A really elegant anddistinctive shape I think!The 'spindle bottle' is a distinctive shape of contain...
2750 GBP
5860. Wearable ancient necklace
A really nice wearable necklace made up from 51 glass beads and 52 pierced bone discs. The g...
445 GBP
1281. **SOLD**Nice Cypriot Base Ring Ware "poppy flask"
A "bil bil" or poppy flask with a fat body, long bottle neck with spreading lip and t...
sold GBP
6089. A small early Canaanite red slipped "Abydos ware" juglet
A  small early Canaanite red slipped "Abydos ware" jugletThis type of stump based and...
245 GBP
4781. A very large Early Bronze Age ledge handle jar
A large Early Bronze Age "pie crust" ledge handle jar of the Type 4 handle variety from Is...
950 GBP
6065. RARE Ammonite Redware jug
A plain but elegant jug with the characteristic bevelled trefoil rim Amiran calls this form &qu...
850 GBP
6066. Rare Ammonite terracotta tripod cup
Rare Ammonite terracotta tripod cupThis is a very characteristic shape of this type of pottery.VERY ...
850 GBP
6061. Small Nabataean painted bowl : ex my own collection
Small Nabataean painted bowlIn the characteristic very finely potted red-orange clay36mm x 86mmThe p...
345 GBP
Ancient Pottery of Transjordan etc etc. Very useful resource
Ancient Pottery of Transjordan : An Introduction Utilizing Published Whole Forms: Late Neolithic Thr...
90 GBP
1349. Nice Early Bronze Age Red Burnished cup
The applied “nipple” decoration seen on the cup is more frequently found on larger vessels of th...
375 GBP
A Glimpse into the Past: The Joseph Ternbach Collection. by Rivka Merhav et al
A Glimpse into the Past: The Joseph Ternbach Rivka Merhav et alPub : The Israel Museum...
45 GBP
1331. A good sized Trans-Jordanian pot with "dripslip" decoration
This type "drip slip" decorated pottery, with the typical dripped slip on the inner side o...
490 GBP
1 2 3 Next >

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