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Items in category GEMS & intaglios and cameos:
1 - 16 of 18
6030a. Rather nice tiny Roman intaglio
Rather nice tiny Roman intaglio.In carnelian. Shows a winged Eros.Only 7mm x 5mm.Roman circa 2nd-3rd...
275 GBP
5386. A lovely intaglio on this Roman ring.
A lovely intaglio on this Roman ringThe band is fairly corroded  with a light green matte surfa...
245 GBP
Die antiken Gemmen des Kunsthistorischen Museums in Wien, Band III
Die antiken Gemmen des Kunsthistorischen Museums in Wien,Band III -Isolde Luckert,  & Erika...
90 GBP
5387. Roman ring : light orange jasper intaglio
 Nice small Roman ring  with a light orange jasper intaglioVery thin  band.UK size H,...
245 GBP
5883. **SOLD** Very attractive Roman intaglio
A really lovely Roman translucent carnelian intaglio showing a pair of winged genies holding wre...
sold GBP
5436. Quite rare Roman double portrait intaglio
A lovely and quite rare Roman gryllos type double portrait jasper intaglioShows a young and older be...
575 GBP
4700. **SOLD** Lovely translucent Roman intaglio
A rather nice translucent carnelian intaglio with a remnant of the ring still attached to it.Intact....
sold GBP
5738. **SOLD** Very fine Roman intaglio
Very fine Roman intaglio A rather noble looking woman wearing what I thought to be a small modius...
sold GBP
4577.**SOLD** Really wonderful Roman intaglio
A really wonderful translucent intaglio in a mottled orange stone showing a man on horseback ho...
sold GBP
3098.**SOLD** Superb Roman intaglio of Mercury
This is a really extremely well cut Roman red jasper intaglio showing Mercury.Intact bar a tiny...
sold GBP
5116. **SOLD** Lovely Roman intaglio
A really nice orange Roman intaglioWell cut with an imposing impression.Shows a pair of female figur...
sold GBP
4718. **SOLD** Fantastic small rock crystal intaglio
A really wonderful rare small Roman rock crystal intaglio.Probably meant to represent Serapis.Only 9...
sold GBP
4918. **SOLD** Beautiful large Roman ring cameo
A superb Roman cameo still attached to the remnants of a ring bezel.A very well cut and , I think, r...
sold GBP
4506. **SOLD** Early Roman gold ring with vibrant colours in glass intaglio
  These fairly slender Roman glass intaglios don't often survive very well and are therefore qu...
sold GBP
1841.**SOLD** Beautiful Roman intaglio
A really wonderful  Roman intaglio in a tanslucent pale yellow stone with a cutting of con...
sold GBP
894. **SOLD**The finest Roman intaglio I have ever had.
This is a really superb intaglio! Showing a Nereid riding on a sea sepent. The Nereids were the &nbs...
sold GBP
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