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There are hardly any items for sale beyond page 29 on the gallery here.
I have left so many sold items on show (and in the sold archive) as many collectors have said they find such photos and information useful to have.
From my collection. Tribute penny of the Bible.

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Since Tiberius was Caesar during the lifetime of Jesus this type of silver denarius is often called the ‘Tribute Penny’ as referred to in the bible, Mark, chapter 12. It is called "The Tribute Penny." Obverse legend: TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS: Tiberius Caesar, divi Augustus Filius, Augustus - Tiberius Caesars, son of the Divine Augustus, Emperor. Obverse type: laureate head of Tiberius right. Reverse legend: PONTIF MAXIM: Pontifex Maximus - The High Priest (Chief Pontiff). Reverse type: Female enthroned right, long scepter (or inverted spear) vertical behind in right, branch in right. In Le monnayage de l'atelier de Lyon, Jean Baptiste Giard identifies the seated female as Justitia (Justice). She is more commonly identified as Pax or Livia (Tiberius' mother). Jean Baptiste Giard divides Tiberius' PONTIF MAXIM coins (aurei and denarii), into six groups, based on what he believes is the evolution of style over time.1 To some extent the portraits also reflect Tiberius' aging over a period of about 22 years. See the screenshot I have included. Interesting to work out which type this one is. I think it is group 4 or 5. (See the additional photos where the ribbons of his laurel wreath are more clearly seen and on the reverse the footstool and single line are very clear) But if you are looking to acquire an example of this particular coin, then maybe you already knew all that! |
Price: 595 GBP
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NB: I ceased selling on eBay a very long time ago!
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