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Items in category GLASS:
1 - 16 of 31
1234. Strings of chunky glass fragments (Roman-Byzantine)
Inexpensive way to create an interesting necklace.These are strings of chunky Roman/Byzantine glass ...
35 each GBP
Early Ancient Glass:Toledo Museum of Art - David F. Grose
Early Ancient Glass: Core-formed, Rod-formed, and Cast Vessels and Objects from the Late Bronze Age ...
65 GBP
4837. Roman glass bottle- nice iridescense
Roman glass unguentarium with some pleasing iridescence Intact 124mm Roman 2nd-3rd century
245 GBP
5411. Nice tall Roman glass 'candlestick' unguentarium
A nice tall Roman glass “candlestick” unguentarium in a light green clear glass. Intact 156mm ...
375 GBP
3016. Nice Roman glass unguentarium.
This Roman glass unguentarium is full of sand  which creates a rather pleasing silvery effect. ...
225 GBP
1999. Lovely and large Roman glass bottle.
This large Roman glass bottle is  a particularly nice shape and has the pointil smoothed off.It...
475 GBP
6049. Charming little Roman glass bottle.
A rather charming little Roman green glass bottle.Nice symetrical shape.Pontil scar on baseIntactOnl...
115 GBP
5693. Roman glass beaker : lovely silvery iridescence
A Roman glass beaker with lovely silvery iridescence which doesn't really show all that well in t...
490 GBP
739. Fine Roman glass vessel
A very fine Roman vessel in an almost completely colourless transparent glass with an everted double...
345 GBP
5705. Very handsome Roman glass flask
This rather angular Roman glass flask has a carefully  made double folded rim  and quite b...
525 GBP
2018. Very nice Roman glass sprinkler flask
A rather nice shape and proportion I think. This Roman  glass bottle with a widely flared rim h...
545 GBP
5650. Imposing, large Roman glass "candlestick" unguentarium
A really quite imposing, large  Roman glass "candlestick" unguentarium Intac...
435 GBP
5202. Unusual and interestingly shaped Roman glass bottle.
An unusual and interestingly shaped Roman glass bottle. It is flattened on one side much as many ...
250 GBP
5732. Nice sized Roman sprinkler bottle
Nice sized Roman sprinkler bottle Intact though a bit dirty: but would clean up if you wanted it mo...
395 GBP
2099. Nice Roman glass bottle.
The glass of this bottle is opaque and has a swirled effect which is all in all very ...
180 GBP
4433.**SOLD** A very fine and large Roman glass flask
A really nice , large and imposing piece of ancient Roman glass in a style that is fairly typical of...
sold GBP
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