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There are hardly any items for sale beyond page 29 on the gallery here.
I have left so many sold items on show (and in the sold archive) as many collectors have said they find such photos and information useful to have.
Escr538. **SOLD** VERY RARE OBJECT: Very fine INSCRIBED heart scarab

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A fine green schist or possibly basalt inscribed heart scarab with 11 horizontal lnes of very finely inscribed hieroglyphs of chapter 30 B of The book of The Dead.
65 mm x 47 mm.
The loss on one side is clearly very ancient.
The deceased asks his heart not to testify against him during the Weighing of The Heart Ceremony.
These are common in very elite burials of the New Kingdom (circa 1550-1069 BC ) but this one has as yet not been read and the name of the deceased remains to be found.
Ex German collection
There is a very fine example, with 13 lines, for sale elsewhere for $32,000
You can see a version of the 30th Chapter of the Book of The Dead in the last image here.
The transliteration is roughly.
r n tm xsf ib n N r.f
Formula for not allowing the heart of N to be removed from him ib n mwt.i sp sn HAty.i n wnn.i tp taA My heart of my mother, my heart of my mother, my heart of my earthly being
m aHa r.i m mtrw r-gs nbw xt Do not stand against me as witness beside the lords of the ritual
m Dd r.i iw ir.n.f st r wn-mAa r irt.n.i Do not say against me, he did do it, about my actions m sxprw xt r.i r-gs nTr aA Do not make a case against me beside the great god
i.nD Hr.k ib.i i.nD Hr.k HAty.i Hail my heart, Hail my heart i.nD Hr.k bskw.i i.nD nTrw ipw Hail my entrails, Hail those gods
xntyw Hnsktyw rmnyw Hr At the fore, tressed, resting upon their sceptres nfr.i n ra wi n nHb-kAw Tell my goodness to Ra, hand me to Nehebkau
isk sw smA.f tA r imt-aAt See him, uniting the earth at the great one within
wAH.i tp tA tm mwt m imnt Ax im May I endure on earth, not die in the west, and be a blessed spirit there
Price: 0.00 GBP
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NB: I ceased selling on eBay a very long time ago!
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