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Items in category Bronze:
1 - 16 of 23
From my own collection. Very fine sestertius of Nero
I'm starting to sell some of the best coins in my own collection. This lovely sestertius of Nero has...
2350 GBP
5144. Roman bronze ceremonial chariot fitting.
This rather mournful looking fellow is a Roman bronze chariot fitting which was found in Germany. It...
825 GBP
4959. Roman bronze banqueteer
A solid bronze reclining banqueter figurine.The reclining banqueter is much more a Greek and especia...
425 GBP
5661. Small Roman bronze ring - leaping lion.
This is a charming little ring in lovely metal with a decent patina. The small bezel is nicely e...
120 GBP
1016. Bold Roman bronze ring with chased metal bezel
This a large and imposing Roman bronze ring with a large oval metal bezel chased boldly with a lion....
115 GBP
5413. Rather cute little bronze applique
A rather cute little bronze applique of a ErosHas attachment peg at the back.Only 28mmNice dark glos...
175 GBP
Patinas for Silicon Bronze by Patrick V Kipper
Patinas for Silicon Bronze by Patrick V KipperPublished by  Rodgers & Nelsen Publishing Co ...
95 GBP
4348.**SOLD** An Extremely fine Roman bronze applique: ? Meditrina
This very fine Roman bronze applique comes from a German collection where is was listed as bein...
sold GBP
4146. Very inexpensive Roman bronze key.
This good sized Roman bronze key with quite a nice patina is rather cheap as it has been repaired.
40 GBP
3099.**SOLD** A particularly good Roman bronze phallic amulet
A particularly fine Roman bronze phallic amulet with bit more detail than these often have.Intact.35...
sold GBP
5197. **SOLD** Attractive Roman bronze Eros
A rather nice small fragmentary Roman bronze of Eros Though fragmentary it is very pleasing with a ...
sold GBP
862. **SOLD** Imposing Roman bronze Silenus face fragment.
This nicely mounted partial head of Silenus has a magnificent dark patina with lovely ruddy cuprite ...
sold GBP
1955. **SOLD** Nice Roman bronze Medusa applique
A nice bronze applique of the head of Medusa, with a rather nice glossy green patina. Quite chunky a...
sold GBP
800.**SOLD** Roman bronze dividers; working condition
It is most unusual to come across  these other than when they are corroded and welded together;...
sold GBP
1321. **SOLD** Superb Roman military belt plate with brilliant tinning.
A Roman bronze military belt plate, a really fabulous piece, with much of the silvery tinning r...
sold GBP
3052. **SOLD** Lovely Roman chariot rein guide
This is a nicely mounted, superb piece. Very good  modelling of the lioness. Good metal&nb...
sold GBP
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