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There are hardly any items for sale beyond page 29 on the gallery here.
I have left so many sold items on show (and in the sold archive) as many collectors have said they find such photos and information useful to have.
Small Bronze Sculpture from the Ancient World: Getty Publications 1990

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Small Bronze Sculpture from the Ancient World. Edited by Marion True and Jerry Podany Getty Publications 1990 The volume is a collection of papers given at a symposium on small bronze sculpture held in March 1989 at the J. Paul Getty Museum. Small-scale bronze sculpture from the ancient Mediterranean is reviewed here by fifteen leading scholars and scientists. This collection of essays explores the historical and technical considerations in provenancing and collecting bronzes of Greek, Etruscan, and Roman manufacture. Paperback 288 pages, 239 b/w illustrations/photos A wealth of information which most collectors would want to know about Foreword John Walsh - Dr. Heinz Menzel: In Memoriam
David Gordon Mitten Samos and Some Aspects of Archaic Greek Helmut Kyrieleis Ancient Copper Alloys: Some Metallurgical and Technological Studies of Greek and Roman Bronzes David A. Scott and Jerry Podany Egyptian Metal Statuary of the Third Intermediate Period (Circa 1070–656
B.C.), from Its Egyptian Antecedents to its Samian Examples Robert Steven Bianchi The Human Figure in Classical Bronze-working: Some Perspectives Joan R. Mertens The Gilding of Bronze Sculpture in the Classical World W. A. Oddy, M. R. Cowell, P.T. Craddock, and D. R. Hook The Casting of Greek Bronzes: Variation and Repetition Carol C. Mattusch Practical Considerations and Problems of Bronze Casting Paul K. Cavanagh Surface Working, Chiseling, Inlays, Plating, Silvering, and Gilding S. Boucher Patinated and Painted Bronzes: Exotic Technique or Ancient Tradition? Hermann Born Scientific Approaches to the Question of Authenticity Arthur Beale How Important Is Provenance? Archaeological and Stylistic Questions in the Attribution of Ancient Bronzes Beryl Barr-Sharrar The Use of Scientific Techniques in Provenance Studies of Ancient Bronzes Pieter Meyers Connoisseurship and Antiquity George Ortiz List of Ancient Objects Illustrated
Price: 60 GBP
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