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Items in category COINS:
17 - 32 of 36
5. Some early Roman bronze coins
15.  Sestertius Julia Mammaea: Felicitas Publica. Poor. £2016. Sestertius Julia Mammaea: Juno ...
From 20 GBP
Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum, Part II,
 Harold Mattingly : Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum, Part II, Vespasian to Domi...
55 GBP
BOOKS: Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum
Volumes 1, 3 and parts I and II of Volume 4 by Harold Mattingly. With original dust jackets....
From 50 GBP
Silver denarius of Domitian with find-spot provenance and details dating to 1928!
Silver denarius of Domitian with find-spot provenance and details dating to 1928!From my own collect...
395 GBP
Sestertius Antontinus Pius - She wolf with Romulus and Remus
Sestertius Antontinus Pius - She wolf with Romulus and RemusObv:<section class="main-wrapper...
225 GBP
Sicily, Gela. Silver Didrachm, c. 480 BC ex my collection
From my own collection. The obverse with the nude warrior on horseback is particularly striking I th...
1350 GBP
VESPASIAN Sestertius - ROMA SC Victory ex my collection
VESPASIAN  Sestertius - ROMA SC VictoryObv: Head of Vespasian, laureate, right.IMP CAES VESPASI...
345 GBP
Lucus Verus (Divus) Sestertius Rome AD 169. Very fine portrait
From my collection.LUCIUS VERUS (DIVUS) sestertius - Rome, AD 169. Smoothed but very impressive port...
450 GBP
From my collection. Tribute penny of the Bible.
Since Tiberius was Caesar during the lifetime of Jesus this type of silver denarius is often called ...
595 GBP
From my collection: VESPASIAN sestertius : Salus - very fine portrait
I'm starting to sell some of the best coins in my own collection. This example with a really go...
395 GBP
From my collection: VERY RARE sestertius of GALBA with magnificent portrait
I'm starting to sell some of the best coins in my own collection. This is a very RARE sestertiu...
950 GBP
SOLD** From my own collection: Iconic Attic silver tetradrachm
I'm starting to sell some of the best coins in my own collection. This iconic representation of...
From my own collection. Commodus sestertius - young head
I'm starting to sell some of the best coins in my own collection.  This sestertius with the you...
350 GBP
I WOULD  LIKE TO GIVE THESE COINS AWAY!Two coins of Elizabeth I which were given to me when I w...
Free GBP
COINS: Antoniniani of the Emperor Gordian III ONLY ONE LEFT
Three silver Antinoniniani of the Emperor Gordian III in very fine condition.Gordian III, Marcus Ant...
38 each GBP
South Africa Kruger GOLD one pond.
South Africa  - Kruger gold one pond 1896From my own collection. Had this since I was 14 years ...
395 GBP
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NB: I ceased selling on eBay a very long time ago!

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