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There are hardly any items for sale beyond page 29 on the gallery here.
I have left so many sold items on show (and in the sold archive) as many collectors have said they find such photos and information useful to have.
Studies in the chronology and regional style of old Babylonian cylinder seals

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Studies in the chronology and regional style of old
Babylonian cylinder seals
Lamia al-Gailani Werr
Paperback – 1988
Malibu: Undena Publications, 1988. First edition.
Softcover. Quarto. x, 110 (1), xliv pp., 57 plates, key to illustrations in
pocket at rear. Original red wrappers with black lettering on cover and spine.
Bibliotheca Mesopotamica, volume 23. Primary sources and interpretive analysis
for the study of Mesopotamian civilization and its influence from late
prehistory yo the end of the cuneiform tradition. Purpose of this work is to
make contributions toward the chronology of seals within the Old Babylonian
period from 2000-1600 B.C. and to attempt a preliminary identification of the
products of some of the local seal cutters. Includes extensive chapter with
drawings of seals, 57 plates with 326 b/w photographic reproductions of seals
and a booklet with the Key. Here drawings are arranged according to their
placement on the tablets and envelopes and in the catalogue.
As new
VERY difficult to find this excellent book.
Price: 185 GBP
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NB: I ceased selling on eBay a very long time ago!
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