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Items in category Ancient JEWELLERY:
1 - 16 of 75
5400. Exquisite and very delicately made Roman gold necklace
An exquisite and very delicately made Roman gold necklacewith an assortment of white, umber, cream a...
975 GBP
5459. Necklace made up from Roman glass beads
This necklace made up from 25 striated blue and white Roman melon beadsWith blue Roman glass bead&nb...
345 GBP
1234. Strings of chunky glass fragments (Roman-Byzantine)
Inexpensive way to create an interesting necklace.These are strings of chunky Roman/Byzantine glass ...
35 each GBP
1575. Unusual pair of late Roman/Byzantine bronze and glass earrings
A pair of Late Roman or Byzantine bronze and glass earrings Good metal. 97mm long Late Roman/Byza...
225 GBP
6134. Amarna period faience bead.
Amarna period faience bead.Dark matte blue with the suspension rings in a lihght blue.Such beads wer...
95 GBP
5661. Small Roman bronze ring - leaping lion.
This is a charming little ring in lovely metal with a decent patina. The small bezel is nicely e...
120 GBP
6054. Necklace made from Ancient Near East beads
A wearable necklace made up from various colourful stone beads from the Ancient Near East.  All...
235 GBP
6033. Wearable necklace- Egyptian Coptic pottery beads.
A nice wearable necklace made up from Coptic pottery beads.Creamish white tubular ribbed beads with ...
225 GBP
5462. Very interesting wearable necklace of faience Bes plaques
A necklace made up from 9 flat circular faience beads which have the head of Bes on one side and The...
545 GBP
123a. Wearable pair of Roman gold earrings
These were in my hands way back in 2007. Having given pleasure to their present custodian they are...
550 GBP
6149 .Very fine Roman gold earring: make a lovely pendant
Very fine Roman gold earring: make a lovely pendantThis quite delicately made gold earring is hollow...
675 GBP
6114. Nice wearable pair of Roman gold earrings
Nice wearable pair of earringsThe glass insets framed in gold have deteroirated somewhat and now hav...
775 GBP
4486. Nice faience amulet of Anubis
A nice green faience amuletof Anubis the jackal headed god of funerary rites.Anubis amulets are fair...
220 GBP
6045. Roman glass bracelets: only one left!
Four Roman glass bracelets. Each intact and wearable if you are careful.All are 2nd-4th century...
From 115 GBP
6048.**SOLD** Medieval/Byzantine silver Chi Rho ring
Nice Medieval/Byzantine silver Christian Chi Rho ringUK O 1/2, USA 7.5, EU 55
sold GBP
1669. Lovely and unusual pair of Roman gold earrings.
This pair of very well made gold earrings came from a collection in which they were said to be Celti...
475 GBP
1 2 3 4 5 Next >

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NB: I ceased selling on eBay a very long time ago!

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