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Items in category ROMAN:
97 - 112 of 171
4350. Nice Roman glass unguentarium
This quite large Roman  glass unguentarium is a particualrly nice delicate aquamarine blue...
145 GBP
5731. **SOLD** First century Roman glass bottle
A very nice example of a particular type of Roman first century glass In a very delicate fabric wit...
sold GBP
5738. **SOLD** Very fine Roman intaglio
Very fine Roman intaglio A rather noble looking woman wearing what I thought to be a small modius...
sold GBP
5674. **SOLD** Unusual Roman glass bottle with lovely and graceful trailing
A rather unusual Roman glass bottle with really lovely and graceful trailing decoration in a plea...
sold GBP
4082. **SOLD** Very attractive large Roman glass bottle
A really lovely and quite large Roman globular bottle in a very light yellowish glass with...
sold GBP
4080. **SOLD** Rather elegant Roman glass pitcher
A rather elegant Roman pitcher of conical form in a mid green glass.There is an internal circular &q...
sold GBP
1722. **SOLD** Very fine and RARE Roman lamp with boxers
This a very good example of a rare type with a makers mark . A pair of fistfighters in animated...
sold GBP
4131. **SOLD** Very large Roman iron key
This is a rather large Roman IRON key in quite good condition. These types of keys usually rust badl...
sold GBP
4425. **SOLD** Large Roman gold ring: superb intaglio
This is a very attractive large sized Roman gold ring with a superb almost translucent carnelian int...
sold GBP
1955. **SOLD** Nice Roman bronze Medusa applique
A nice bronze applique of the head of Medusa, with a rather nice glossy green patina. Quite chunky a...
sold GBP
4577.**SOLD** Really wonderful Roman intaglio
A really wonderful translucent intaglio in a mottled orange stone showing a man on horseback ho...
sold GBP
5306.**SOLD** Very handsome wearable Roman silver ring
Very handsome and wearable Roman silver ring with fine intaglioThis silver  ring  in ...
sols GBP
3098.**SOLD** Superb Roman intaglio of Mercury
This is a really extremely well cut Roman red jasper intaglio showing Mercury.Intact bar a tiny...
sold GBP
5127.**SOLD** Very attractive Roman gold lunar pendant
A very attractive Roman gold lunar pendant.The detailing of the nicely made florette motifs makes th...
sold GBP
5255. **SOLD** The loveliest Roman gold lunar pendant I’ve ever seen.
By far the loveliest Roman gold lunar pendant I've ever come across.Very nice and undamaged enamelli...
sold GBP
5190. **SOLD** Interesting type of oblong gaming die
An interesting  "long  die" made of a dense hardwood.The faces show 6,  2, 1 and 5.Th...
sold GBP
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NB: I ceased selling on eBay a very long time ago!

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