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Items in category ROMAN:
33 - 48 of 171
6049. Charming little Roman glass bottle.
A rather charming little Roman green glass bottle.Nice symetrical shape.Pontil scar on baseIntactOnl...
115 GBP
827. Very delicate pair of Roman gold earrings.
An unusual, very delicately made and rather lovely pair of Roman gold earrings with pendant discs&nb...
395 GBP
Silver denarius of Domitian with find-spot provenance and details dating to 1928!
Silver denarius of Domitian with find-spot provenance and details dating to 1928!From my own collect...
395 GBP
5216. Nice wearable Roman bronze ring.
A nice wearable Roman  bronze ringThe chased bezel showing what looks like the standing figure ...
125 GBP
5654. Inexpensive Roman silver spatula.
Inexpensive Roman silver spatula. These are usually in bronze. Cheap as it broke in half and ...
70 GBP
5693. Roman glass beaker : lovely silvery iridescence
A Roman glass beaker with lovely silvery iridescence which doesn't really show all that well in t...
490 GBP
279. Early oil lamp forgery in the British Museum
 This is a FAKE "Greco Roman" oil lamp made in Italy in the late 1800s.It is in ...
135 GBP
4018. Very attractive Roman Byzantine belt parts with residual gilding
A matching pair of late Byzantine gilded bronze belt parts each with a flattened gartet.One has a lo...
195 GBP
5413. Rather cute little bronze applique
A rather cute little bronze applique of a ErosHas attachment peg at the back.Only 28mmNice dark glos...
175 GBP
1984. Large and very heavy lead weight
This is a very hefty lead weight with a suspension loop on the top. 55mm x 50mm  x 17mm...
225 GBP
Small Bronze Sculpture from the Ancient World: Getty Publications 1990
Small Bronze Sculpture from the Ancient World.Edited by Marion True and Jerry PodanyGetty Publicatio...
60 GBP
Sestertius Antontinus Pius - She wolf with Romulus and Remus
Sestertius Antontinus Pius - She wolf with Romulus and RemusObv:<section class="main-wrapper...
225 GBP
739. Fine Roman glass vessel
A very fine Roman vessel in an almost completely colourless transparent glass with an everted double...
345 GBP
5705. Very handsome Roman glass flask
This rather angular Roman glass flask has a carefully  made double folded rim  and quite b...
525 GBP
2018. Very nice Roman glass sprinkler flask
A rather nice shape and proportion I think. This Roman  glass bottle with a widely flared rim h...
545 GBP
4024. Good large Celtic silver torc
A nice large silver Celtic wire torc in good metal with a fairly elaborate hoop and hook. Intact ...
295 GBP
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