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Items in category ROMAN:
1 - 16 of 171
5144. Roman bronze ceremonial chariot fitting.
This rather mournful looking fellow is a Roman bronze chariot fitting which was found in Germany. It...
825 GBP
5392. Simple but elegant silvered or tinned P shape fibula
A simple but elegant silvered or  tinned P shape fibulaRetaining quite a lot of the surface sil...
95 GBP
1799. A fine PAIR of SILVER Roman military buckles.
A really fine pair of silver Roman military buckles.In exceptionally good metal without any obv...
245 GBP
6030a. Rather nice tiny Roman intaglio
Rather nice tiny Roman intaglio.In carnelian. Shows a winged Eros.Only 7mm x 5mm.Roman circa 2nd-3rd...
275 GBP
4959. Roman bronze banqueteer
A solid bronze reclining banqueter figurine.The reclining banqueter is much more a Greek and especia...
425 GBP
1987. Roman marble Eros
Nicely mounted on a polished metal stand, a rather charming fragmentary marble Eros of good siz...
945 GBP
1575. Unusual pair of late Roman/Byzantine bronze and glass earrings
A pair of Late Roman or Byzantine bronze and glass earrings Good metal. 97mm long Late Roman/Byza...
225 GBP
1241. Very unusual Byzantine lead bowl 7th/8th century
This Roman Byzantine lead bowl has been seen at the Berlin museum and was said to be 7th/8th ce...
375 GBP
5661. Small Roman bronze ring - leaping lion.
This is a charming little ring in lovely metal with a decent patina. The small bezel is nicely e...
120 GBP
652. VERY RARE blue faience gaming piece
This is a rare thing; a lovely  blue faience gaming piece. A curled up ?dog.But the face looks ...
275 GBP
123a. Wearable pair of Roman gold earrings
These were in my hands way back in 2007. Having given pleasure to their present custodian they are...
550 GBP
6114. Nice wearable pair of Roman gold earrings
Nice wearable pair of earringsThe glass insets framed in gold have deteroirated somewhat and now hav...
775 GBP
From my own collection: Roman Imperial denarii.
I'm  beginning to sell my own coin collection. These were all acquired very many years ago.Larg...
various GBP
5297. Collection of fragmentary stamped Roman mortarium rims.
  A  group of fragmentary stamped Greco- Roman terracotta mortarium rims.  ...
95 each GBP
6017. Fine Roman Red Ware basin
A large sized basin in the typical Red Ware of Roman North Africa.Very fine condition.242mm / 9.5 in...
435 GBP
5194. Interesting and attractive Roman terracotta vessel
This is an unusual piece in a particularly thin and delicate pottery fine grained orange fabric ...
375 GBP
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Next >

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