YOU ARE HERE:>>REAL or FAKE>>Fake ancient glass>>core formed glass, page 5


More examples.

Photos with thanks,  from Adam.


 From David

21st September 2009


The best advice I can give anybody who wants to collect ancient core glass is to get hold of a copy  of David Grose's Early Ancient Glass where you will see the most comprehensive selection of core glass ever documented. From that you will see that the examples that you are exhibiting on your web site (as fakes) are indeed very much fakes because:



A/ The colours are not matching those found in antiquity. Of course they had blues, reds and yellows in antiquity but not of the hues or shades exhibited in your examples and not mixed in that way. If you look at the examples in museums or in Grose's book you will see immediately what we mean.



B/ The shapes are approximately right but are not the right proportions or form. Again just look at the examples in Museums or Grose and you will see the difference.



C/ The patina is artificial and is a technique developed in Syria. if you put water on the surface the patina completely disappears but returns when dry. 



The fakes you show on your website are typical of those found a lot on eBay.

These with thanks to Steve.

From his fakes study collection.


And two I came across recently.

No comment really needed!