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8.9.B (N) A fragment from an URIII administrative tablet which lists fields and amounts of barley. Also many names including: Lugal-azi-da Nedu Enlil-NIN-?-e Zati One field is linked to the name referred to as A-bar-gal.
60mm x 55 mm
8.9.C (N) Another, single sided fragment from an URIII administrative tablet of the same period, which is also a list of fields, some with actual sizes and also amounts of barley and the names of some of the people allocated. Ideally needs a fuller reading. 90mm x 40mm. Names recorded: Lu-shara Ur-shara Ur-Inana Lugal [..]
. 9.30. Q (N) An Ur III fragment from a large tablet, being list of names, some identified as "his son". 65mm x 40mm. Sha-kiduga Aradmu Lu-Ninurra Ur-Ninazu Shara-URU-mu Lugal-uru-[ Lu-du10-[ Shara-[ Lu-[ Habalule Utu-mu Abba-gina
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