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Looking at these figures and the  conclusions drawn from this database the fact that the known genuine  pieces were said to be genuine alongside the fact that  only one of the three definite fakes was "detected" here, the conclusion is that:


  • The database does not represent the spectrum of values extracted for XRF testing of definitely genuine pieces
  • If the database consulted happened to be invalid, that is contained both genuine and  fake examples then spurious results like theses would be expected.

  • and/or the algorithm applied to the  values is not valid or reliable.

  • The determinations were made without reference to  any database: ie made, as we did originally,  from only visual inspection of the pieces. But that is highly unlikely.


The  conclusion from these figures and  analysis is than this particular XRF testing with this particular XRF database cannot add little  ifanything at all to questions of authenticity.



A compilation of references.This is the  major appendix in  Kaczmarczyk & Hedges' book

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